Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers

I don't think Oliver North would appreciate this DVD set. Hey if you don't get the reference, you probably never heard of the I-tunes song of the moment either . . . all this means that you're a young whipper snapper.

Anyhoo . . . Recall. The price ($47.50) is a bit steep. However, there is a butt load of material on this 2 disk set. First, disk one is a comprehensive study of the memorized stack as a concept. Everything you need to know to use a memorized deck. If you're currently using a memorized stack or you've never used one, disk one is a killer resource.

For those already using a mem-deck, you'll find some excellent tips and insights that will likely be worth the cost for you. For the newbie who hasn't learned a stack yet, you'll learn the pros and cons of many of the stacks, tips on memorizing them, as well a handful of tricks you can do with any mem-deck.

Disk two teaches you Tom Crosbie's personal stack, The Shadow Stack. It's got some cool things built into that may not be built into other stacks. However, in my opinion, it's just one more stack to choose from. Whether you use the Aronson Stack, The Tamariz Stack, The Shadow Stack or any other stack, this DVD set is worthy of note due to the combined amount of resources and information regarding the topic of mem-decks and their possibilities. In my view, disk two is just a bonus that gives you another stack to choose from. I will say, that I found it funny that even Crosbie (the creator of the stack) seemed, at times, to struggle with his own system. However, that does not take away from the value of this set (particular disk 1).

Mem-decks have the power to truly blow a person's mind. There is so much stuff that can be done with a mem-deck that I feel it's every magicians duty to, at the very least, study the subject. This DVD set makes for an easy way to do that. To quote Oliver North, "I Do Not Recall" an easier way to make the acquaintance of such a power tool as the mem-deck.

Final Verdict:
4 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • LHT says:

    Thank you for the review!
    Do you still have the Recall DVDs? I lost the .PDF file that in the DVDs.
    I want to get a copy of the .PDF file.
    Thank you so much

  • LHT says:

    Hi Jeff,
    Glad to see you’re back!
    Would you mind please reading my previous comment!
    I want to have a copy of pdf file of this dvds set
    Thank you

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