Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Holding Out For a Hero by Bonnie Tyler

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a bit OCD . . . it runs in the blood of the magi. I'll bet many of y'all (yep . . . y'all) are a bit OCD as well. We've all dreamed of or actually seen an effect where the totally shuffled deck un-shuffles itself by the snap of a finger, wave of the hand, [insert magic gesture here], etc. Here's another in a long line of effects that solves this "problem."


A card is "selected" and signed. It's replaced somewhere in the deck. The deck is spread and is clearly mixed up. A moment later all the cards are in order. No deck switch. Keep in mind that this is a one-trick wonder. So if you want to go on to other effects, you'll have to switch out the deck. Also, if this is not your first trick in the set, you'll have to ring in the deck too. When I say no deck switch, I'm referring to the fact that during the effect, only one deck is used, and a switch is not used to create the effect of the shuffled deck "un-shuffling."


Basically, the gimmicked deck does all the work for you. My guess is that you may have a thought about how the method works, and you're probably right. However, this deck has some built in subtleties that really add to the illusion and is slightly different from other versions of this kind of gimmicked deck. The method is very easy and very doable.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is actually very good. There is one small consideration, however. In the ad copy, it says that the spectator holds the shuffled deck and then shakes it causing the cards to rearrange into a new deck order. This is actually true. However, they're actually holding the card box with the cards inside of it. In other words, if they were to handle the cards while out of the box . . . ooopsie . . . cat's out of the bag. Other than that, the ad copy is legit.

Product Quality

The gimmicked deck is very well made. The design of it makes the handling of it super easy and super smooth. The cards are Bicycle brand, so you know the quality's good. The box also has a nice little marking on it that lets you see at a glance that it's your OCD deck, so it's easy to keep it separate from your standard deck. That's a nice touch. The DVD was simple and straightforward. My only complaint is that there are 29 minutes of commercials, and 9 minutes of instruction. Granted, the 9 minutes was enough to pretty much cover everything.

I certainly like DVDs that don't over-explain everything, but I'd also like them to not under-explain everything either. This one comes pretty close to striking a good balance between the two, but is a little bit on the side of under-explaining.

Final Thoughts

For $35 you get a very easy to use, well made, super clever gimmick and a super short instruction DVD. If you liked the effect explained above, you'll be ecstatic about your purchase. It's money well spent. Go for it.

Final Verdict:

4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!


  • Wowj says:

    I love reading your reviews and value your opinions. Details like this effect is a one trick pony are good to know. Sometimes the effect is still worth buying but I have been sorry in the past when I bought a trick that I could only use once.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @wowj – thanks for the comment and for being a fan! I just wanted to be clear by what I mean when I say “one trick pony.” I mean that the deck cannot be used for any other effects. However, the deck CAN be used over and over. If you don’t do the signed card version, there’s no reset. If you do the signed card version, there’s a 2 minute reset.

      Also, I just noticed a review of this effect in the February 2014 issue of Genii magazine where Danny Orleans said that if you do the signed version, once you’re done, you’ll have to replace that card. He then said that you have to use the exact same card every time. That’s actually not true. You can use any card you want to be the signed card. Ahead of time, you just have to take out the gimmicked version of that card and replace it with the card that they’re going to “select.”

      Hopefully that helps.

  • Damian says:

    Hi Jeff, LOVE your reviews and your commitment to keeping it honest! I have just one need to know question about the OCD deck, since I work mostly in hospitals in warm (sometimes downright humid) conditions, so it’s not good for certain types of gimmicked deck notably the Invisible Deck. So I kinda need to know that this isn’t R&S or it’s money down the drain for me. As I’m performing unpaid just as an antidote to my more serious job, I really don’t like wasting money! So I’m guessing it’s more mind power than R&S if you get my drift and if not then surely the same effect could be achieved with a MP deck plus a few well-placed normal cards?

    PS Love your 793.8 – it’s a joy to read!

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Damian – Thanks brother. I’m glad you’re diggin’ the site and the book. 🙂

      As for the deck, the cards are gaffed, but untreated, so there should be no problems in your working environment.

  • Damian says:

    Ah, it’s late here (I’m in the UK), so realised that my MP idea wouldn’t work just as I pressed send – but you get where I’m coming from!

  • Damian says:

    Cheers Jeff, I’m going to invest then find some space and stick ’em in my vest!

    Thanks again for all your time, effort and insight – we need you man!

  • Alonzo Bolin says:

    great review

  • Robert B. says:

    Hi Jeff,
    Saw this deck on another website for half price. Looks interesting. In the DVD does it show you how to force the ungimmicked card on the spectator.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      Great question, and the answer is, probably, but I don’t remember. Sorry. That was so long ago. 🙂

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