Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: I Remember You By Skid Row

Um . . . you might as well Exit now. For $55.00 you get crap basically.

You get: a poorly produced DVD with a crappy menu and heaven forbid if you have to stop halfway through a segment and go back to the list of stuff on the menu. You're given the choice of French and English. I, of course, chose English. However, some segments were spoken in English. Others were spoken in French with Subtitles. Others were spoken in French with a voice-over in English, and others still were just plain old French with no subtitles and no voice-over. Yet all of these variations were in the 'English' section.

It just seems that people these days who make DVDs don't actually watch them. Let's imagine for a moment that the DVD production quality didn't suck and that it was the best quality in the history of DVDs . . . let's imagine that. Then what you're getting is one trick for $55.00. You get no props or gimmicks, just a DVD that explains all of the stuff you're going to have to go out and purchase to make your gimmick. Seriously, for $55.00 bucks don't you think they could have included the gimmick, but not here.

So . . . no gimmick, crappy DVD quality, and a bunch of stuff you have to buy to make your own gimmick. If you can overlook all of that, then let's look at the effect itself. A 'selected' card magically appears under the cellophane on the card box. That as an effect isn't bad. However, there are a few fishy moments with this particular method, and the big thing is that you cannot do this close up. There are too many hey-something-doesn't-look-right moments that are all too noticeable up close.

If this were one trick on a compilation DVD or if it only sold for 10 bucks, or it came with the gimmick or something, then I might be able to recommend this. Incidentally, on the DVD they mention a website you can go to to order the gimmick if you don't feel like making one. Of course, the site was no longer live.

So, if you like annoyingly produced DVDs with dead websites, where you have to make your own gimmick for effects that you cannot do close up and you typically light your cigars with 50 dollar bills, then this DVD is for you.

Final Verdict:
1 Star with a Stone Status of Piece of Rubble!

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