Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: All Cried Out By Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam

I'm a fan of these teleseminars that Bob Cassidy has been releasing. They're great, particularly, for working pros. Bob Cassidy is a creative genius and a modern day legend, and the King Midas of Mentalism.

Typically these audio seminars pick a subject and Bob Cassidy & Michael Weber discuss it in depth. Typically there discussions include theory, some minimal mentions of methods and a whole lot of solid wisdom that you can use to improve as a performer.

With that as the standard, this one was slightly disappointing compared to the rest in the series. Putting aside a few technical problems - Cassidy kept getting disconnected - and putting aside some the fair amount of Weber and Cassidy accidentally talking over each other (thus causing awkwardness and confusion at times), my biggest complaint with this particular CD is that it didn't really go into that much depth.

Basically, this was kind of a bare bones introduction to the concept of a logical disconnect (i.e., a technique for disconnecting the spectator's mind from the method). A few examples where given, and the basic concept was explained, but that's really it. There was still a lot of great information on the CD, but it wasn't as near in-depth as I was hoping for. However, the material that was covered was seriously gold. There is a concept taught for a pretty common effect that most of you probably do (if you're a mentalist) that takes the idea to a whole new level. It takes a mathematical trick to a level of impossible that is near miracle status. That alone is probably almost worth the cost.

With that in mind, for the $47 you get an audio file and audio file (.mp3) and a pdf (12 pages) of the post event notes, and an ebook (37 pages) that discusses the concept and gives a fair amount of detail and some examples. The post even notes address questions that listeners brought up during the seminar when it was recorded with live listeners. When you put it all together, it's still an overall excellent product and full of great information.

Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem

1 Comment

  • Mark Paulson says:

    Cassidy’s Logical Disconnect is one of the most useful things I’ve learned from him. The review is pretty much spot on. Thank you, Jeff.


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