Random I-Tunes Song of the Moment: Evil Eye by Yngwie Malmsteen.

7 Tricks . . . $35 bucks. It's a little steep, but still probably worth it.

I'll discuss each effect individually in a moment. But first, consider that in addition to the effects, you get a couple of other things . . . a couple other things that don't really add much to the DVD.

First you get the Pass Exhibition. It's exactly what it sounds like . . . a montage of Fenik "performing" multiple passes. That's it. The ad copy touts this as "This the most incredible 'Pass Exhibition' Ever." Who knew there was such a thing . . . is this something only people in the know are aware of . . . is there an annual get-together of the world famous Pass Exhibitionists?

I saw no inherent value in this exhibition other than a few seconds of eye candy for magicians . . . and even then it wasn't that satisfying. However, I will say that the S.W.E. Shift made me do a spit-take . . . it looked like pure magic. However, keep in mind that a pass/shift is meant to invisible via misdirection not intense focus on your hands in an exhibition.

Additionally, you get the "Interview Segment" which, again, added no real value . . . it was just a bunch of quick one-liner quotes from Fenik. There was really nothing profound here. Additionally, one of the quick one-liners was "when performing for lay people, use simple tricks." You'll quickly find that though he says this, it doesn't seem to live by it. None of the effects are simple in method, and most of them are not simple even in plot or performance.

However . . . and that's a big freakin' "however," the card magic was beautiful. For those who think that the Buck Twins (whom I truly love and enjoy) invented visual close up magic, understand this: Fenik has been doing magic since before the twins were born, and his magic is just as amazing, just as visual and just as difficult to do.

So let's examine each effect for a brief moment. I'll give each one a 1 to 5 ranking:

Superior Aces (3 stars)

This is my least favorite effect on the DVD. However, the kicker ending is probably one of my favorite moments on the DVD . . . super surprising production of the four aces.

Archangel Aces (3.5 stars)

This is a very visual barehanded four ace production. Very visual and very much like a stage piece from a manipulator's act.

Air Aces (4.5 stars)

Here's the official Ad Copy which is almost exactly what I was going to say about the effect: "They jump from hand to hand... This is the "Three Fly" Effect.. Done with four cards."

It's beautiful to watch and will probably take your entire life to learn it

Completely Gone (4 stars)

A bare-handed complete vanish of 1 card . . . the only other way to get a vanish this clean looking is to use a pull or a toppit or something, but this one is pure impromptu slight of hand. I imagine you could do this with your business card too, but I'll never know because by the time I master this I'll be having lunch with The Professor. It's super visual, quite stunning and very angle-sensitive.

The Turn (3.5 stars)

Speakin' of The Professor, this effect is a handling Twisting The Aces. Frankly, Vernon's handling is probably better and is definitely simpler. However Fenik has added a couple of nice touches and some very visual moments to the routine that are worth of consideration.

Evaporation (4.5 stars)

This is beautiful to behold. The title is perfect. The cards truly do seem to just evaporate with just a wave of the hand. Again, I don't have that kind of time, but man if you're into this hard-core stuff, you'll want to add this baby to your repertoire.

Cathedral Sandwich (2 stars)

This is effect is not that strong. Plus, oddly enough, in the routine, you have to pass off one of the Jokers as two different Jokers using a false count. However, the problem with that is that in the performance, Fenik starts of by showing a normal Joker and the Guarantee Joker. Sure, this problem is not a problem if you use two normal Jokers, so I just thought is was weird that he didn't do it that way. Putting that weirdness aside, this effect is "ok," but it's even more angle-sensitive than some of the others, and if I'm gonna spend the next 3 decades learning new stuff in magic, I'd like to have learned more than one effect.

Final Thoughts

All of the stuff on this DVD will take some serious time and effort to master. However, the magic is so beautiful and visual that it's probably worth it. You just need a deck of cards, two hands and a ton of time to master this stuff, but it's all pure sleight of hand . . . and so in my opinion Fenik fully deserves the title given him on the DVD: Master Magician.

The average rating of the effects is 3.6. Factor in a couple of things that took value away from the video, the fact that it's $35.00 for 7 tricks, but also considering how much you can learn from this video, its visual nature and freshness and we're looking at . . .

Final Verdict:
3.5 stars and a definite Gem status.

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