Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Lost Without Your Love By Bread

For $40 bucks you get a cute trick that is probably worth it if it fits your personality.

Personally, I'll probably give the toys to my 14 month old daughter Oliveah.

I highly recommend you watch the demo video after reading the instructions that come with the effect. The instructions can be found on one side of a folded up piece of 8x11 paper found in the box.

They are a bit unclear, and some parts just completely didn't make sense. When I saw the demo video, I realized that what Daryl said to do in the instructions is not what he actually did in the performance. So I think there was a goof up in the write up.

Additionally, my gimmick was a bit iffy. However, there are really good version of this gimmick readily available for around a dollar or less, so that's not too bad. But for $40 bucks you should expect a better gimmick.

Finally, I take issue with one part of the ad copy. It says, "Everything can be examined." That's not true. The baby blanket cannot be examined. Granted, it's taken out of play before someone may want to examine it, but I just want to make sure you know that it cannot be examined.

Having said all that, the props are well made. The effect is very clean and pretty easy to do (after you watch the demo), and it has plenty of presentational possibilities. Watch the demo. If you like the effect (and you're ok with the blanket not being examinable and you don't mind having to possibly spend an extra buck to make sure your gimmick is good) then you'll be happy with the purchase.

I know that my last parenthetical aside probably came across flippantly, however, it was not meant to be. I mean it seriously that if you don't mind those two things, you'll be happy with your purchase (assuming you feel it's the type of effect you would do).

Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of gem (with a little 'g')


  • Vincent says:

    I have this and think it is great. After performing this at a Family Magic Show and an Adult Magic Show, it went over great at both. I recommend watching the video as well.
    I get a lot of house party Magic jobs so this angel proof examinable routine is perfect and is an unexpected type of magic most people have not seen. It is fun and really fools them if performed correctly. Highly recommended!

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Vincent – Thanks for the real world feedback. That’s one of my favorite things about the comments on the site . . . getting feedback from folks using this stuff in the real world.

      • Vincent says:

        Just like all Magic, it is the performer that really can take a Magic idea and get the most out of it. The Magic for this routine really takes place in the spectators mind. That is what makes this so cool. In the right hands and setting this is great!
        Yours truly, Vincent

        • Jeff Stone says:

          @Vincent – I’m with you brother. One of my favorite “tricks” is to (in a casual setting) reach over a table to someone to apparently place a coin on the table (with an empty right hand), while my left hand (near my body) snaps the coin down (secretly) on the table. The audio illusion is that I placed the coin with my right hand near the other person. But when I move my right hand away, they do a triple take. I love that moment.

  • Vincent says:

    Reinforcing a false belief is one of the unsung tools a Magician has. Yes. Another tool is performing the secret move before you even show or tell the audience what the Magic effect is. This is one of the most powerful things a good Magician has at his disposal. I do this with another routine with a sponge ball as well a Audio Transposition. I also love that the audience is watching my every move when I state I will make the ball travel but it is already done!

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Vincent – Happy New Year Brother. Thanks for the post. You’re dead on. I love the idea that a large majority of magic is something being in a state that you claim it’s not in, or vice versa, something not being in a state that you claim it is in. It makes my heart smile. 🙂

      • Vincent says:

        There are many types of misdirection. A bigger move covers a smaller one. Also time misdirection, which the audience has no knowledge of. Everyone is looking for that move and trying to catch the Magician. Our advantage is that they do not know as much as we do and if we look somewhere, so will they. With this routine, the misdirection is built in naturally, so it looks casual and allows me to add drama and have a lot of fun performing this. That is why I like this so much!

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