Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Don't You Remember by Adele

Don't You Remember (Thank you Adele) when people read books and learned from the masters like Marlo, et. al.? I almost forgot about those days until watching this DVD starring Daniel Chard. He's young, well read, a clever thinker, and an innovative technician. Lucky for him his magic is extremely visual . . . it makes up for his poor presentation skills. I've said this many times before, telling people what you are doing, what you're going to do and what you have done is NOT A PRESENTATION!

However, as ya'll know, I rarely dock points for poor presentation. I try to judge the material on its own merit. By that standard, this DVD is TOP QUALITY. The production value is excellent. It's easy to navigate. The effects are taught in depth and very clearly. There's an additional section that covers in depth many of the moves and sleights used on the DVD.

Chard is a very nice guy who has created some extremely visual, yet quite doable, card magic. Watch the DVD trailer . . . you'll see. There is no effect that stands out as being the best or the worst. In my opinion, every effect and method is at least 4 stars.

If you're looking to add some visual magic to your repertoire that doesn't require you to be a Buck Twin, you've found what you're looking for. And for $30 bucks, it's worth it.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM.

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