Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: A Little Good News By Anne Murray

Another really good deal . . . a killer bill change, a couple of solid bonus effects plus the props needed to pull everything off all for only $25.00. It's fitting that I'm listening to Anne Murray's classic song about wanting to hear good news. I've been reviewing a lot of DVDs that are expensive and only have one trick on them. This one, unlike those, is different for a change. It's inexpensive and more than one trick and includes stuff:

  • A little special something needed for some of the effects
  • A Million Dollar Bill
  • 2 Practice papers for learning the bill switch

Frankly, the only effects, in my opinion, that are worth considering is the Million Dollar Switch, and SwitchSee. Buried Treasure is, frankly, pretty weak, and the performance was dry, slow, fidgety and very awkward. Chris Cross Coins isn't too bad. It's a pretty standard coins across with a pretty standard kicker, but it's worth watching.

The Hybrid Switch is ok. However, I think that what you're really getting here is the bill switch. That alone (plus the million dollar bill) pretty much makes this worthwhile. However, when you factor in everything, I can't give this higher than 3.5 stars. Thus . . .

Final Verdict:
3.5 stars with a Stone Status of a Gem.

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