Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Never Again by Kelly Clarkson

Never Again (thank you Kelly Clarkson) will I watch (or read) Alice in Wonderland (or Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) with the same perspective after watching this DVD.

The DVD has several fun ties to the story of Alice. The production company is called "The 1914." Is it a coincidence that the first Alice in Wonderland movie was in 1914? Is it a coincidence that this DVD's author and Alice's author share the same first name? Maybe, but it can't be coincidence that all of the trick titles and the DVD title reference something from Alice and her world.

Very clever, and my hat's off to Le'Val for this alone. But to top it off, the DVD is full of excellent ideas, effects, etc.

The Effects

Harmony (4.5 Stars)

I love faux memory effects where you do something that creates the illusion that you've memorized the entire deck or a portion of it. This is an effect that could be used that way. Le'Val uses it differently, but still amazing . . . The spectator picks any suit, shuffles and cuts the deck and shuffles and cuts the deck again. Yet you are able to tell the spectator the exact order of their named suit.

Curiosity (3 Stars)

One of the only two non-card effect. It's not too bad, but the method for the first half seems a bit transparent. However, the kicker ending is good. This is a great impromptu effect that is pretty solid.

Binary (4 Stars)

Simple method; simple effect; powerful affect. You predict the location and value of a card selected by the spectator. This is an easy method and solid effect.

Off With His Head (4 Stars)

If you like poker demonstrations, this is worthy of considering. It's shorter than most and basically streamlines a lot of the extra stuff found in these types of routines. Best of all, it starts with the spectator thoroughly shuffling the deck.

Hack (4 Stars)

The other non-card trick. A simple method of predicting what random numbers a spectator will punch into their iPhone (or other smart phone). Very practical and simple idea that can be very powerful.

Caterpillar Control (4.5 Stars)

This control ain't easy, but it looks impossible. Though the card is clearly and cleanly shown in the middle of the deck (as you cut the deck for the return of the card), the instant you replace the cut on top of the selection, it's on top. It has some angle issues, but it's pretty dang solid.

Wardrobe Change (4.5 Stars)

Le'Val says that this isn't to be taken too seriously and treats it somewhat as a throw away idea. I beg to differ. I think it's an excellent color change and very much worthy of your attention.

Final Thoughts

Finally, the DVD contains 5 pdfs (2 to 5 pages long each) as well . . . bonus ideas, extra effects and other stuff. As great as this DVD is, it did lack in crediting, but that's really the only complaint. The DVD quality is top notch, and the effects all have unique and interesting elements that make this DVD have a broad range of people and skill sets it can target.

I truly believe that there is something here for every level of performer (beginner, advanced, in between, etc.) and every genre of magic (card, coin, close up, stage, mentalism, etc.)

With an average trick rating of 4.0 and a palatable yet weird price like $31.65, I must recommend this DVD.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

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