Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Hit The Lights by Metallica

Well right when you do this move, you might wanna Hit The Lights (thank you Metallica) because it's pretty discrepant. However, to be fair, this is the kind of thing that should be done with misdirection. Watch the trailer and you'll see the switch. It's not invisible at all.

Though I agree with the ad copy that this has the potential to be a valuable tool in the arsenal of the working magician, I do feel that it's a bit over hyped (particularly the first paragraph). That said, watch the video and not only will you see the switch, you'll also understand the mechanics of the gimmick. The ad copy doesn't really hide the fact that you are getting a plastic gimmick that you modify to look like a deck of cards. The teaching DVD and the gimmick are extremely well made. The packaging is even fresh and attractive looking.

You'll notice that in the ad copy there is a statement that this switch is done in plain site. That's not true. If they're looking, they'll see it. Additionally, you'll see a testimonial in the ad copy that says it's the best deck switch he's " . . . NEVER seen." The only way to not see this switch is to not look.

Having said all that, I still believe this is an excellent tool. I just want to make sure you understand that you're buying a tool that requires you to use it when the audience is looking elsewhere. As long as you understand that and you've watched the ad trailer (so you know pretty much what you're getting), the only question left is do you want to spend $50 bucks for a deck switching device? Me personally . . . no thank you . . . a pocket switch or a case switch will do just fine even though the ad copy leads you to believe that deck switches without this gimmick are basically not doable.

My final rating is based solely on product quality and advertising integrity, not whether I'd use it or not. (I can't give all coin tricks zero stars solely based on the fact that I don't do coin tricks).

Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of gem (with a little g).


  • Jay Best says:

    I was intrigued by this little bugger so I got one. Once I got it and got it all put together I immediately regretted my purchase. This thing looks nothing like a card case. It is too big, too white and the edges are too square. After about 200 tries I could make the switch fairly smoothly, however doing it in a performance situation without looking at it, would prove challenging I’m sure. Deck switches are not hard, lesson learned. $50 could have bought me a lot of tacos.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Jay – I love tacos. I don’t mind that the effect requires lots and lots and lots and lots of practice. From that perspective, I can’t really dock the star rating. Also, as I mentioned in the review, I would NEVER use this, but that doesn’t (necessarily) mean it’s not a good product. What it came down to was rating the product quality (which is decent), and the ad copy honesty (i.e., are you getting what they say you’re getting). In the end, if someone watches the video and felt that the switch was valuable to them, I can only counsel them on the product quality as a reviewer. As a magician/teacher of magic, I would say: “All you need for a deck switch is two deck! You don’t need a gimmick. You just need a pocket.” But alas . . . in the context of this site, I am merely a reviewer.

  • Barron Stringfellow says:

    Thank goodness I purchased “The Cooler” used…it doesn’t come close to deserving the term “cooler”, as coolers are invariably fast and invisible! $25.00 to satisfy my curiosity was a decent fee though! Looking for a great deck switch? This isn’t it.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Barron – I agree with you. If you’re looking for a good deck switch. I’d recommend The Art of Switching Decks.

      • Barron Stringfellow says:

        Thanks Jeff! The funny thing is, I am always looking for deck switches…it is self-serving to say the least! You see, mine is the best I have found so far! I see I am going to have to get the book too! Looks like it is packed with methods!

  • Harry Bongo says:

    I have had two of these now and both of them had one of the small tabs snapped off within 10 seconds of opening the box – they are far too weak in my opinion 0 poor quality construction

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