Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Under Your Spell by Tara From Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The Essentials In Magic Series:

For Less than $10 bucks you get an incredible deal. This series of DVDs is one of the best "bangs for your buck" in magic today.

First of All, you get Daryl . . . one of the best teachers in magic. He's fun to watch and he makes learning whatever he teaches very easy.

Here's how I look at it . . . if it only cost me $10 bucks to learn how to remove black widow venom from a Cheeto and Daryl's teaching . . . I'm buyin'.

Cups and Balls:

This series of DVDs is just what the witch doctor ordered. You learn all the basics. It's almost like a mini (very very mini) Tarbell Course for the modern day. You learn about sleight of hand's basic principles, misdirection, fundamental classics such as (in this case) the Cups and Balls.

While the other DVDs in this series that I've reviewed are a fair mix of "good for beginner and experienced," this one is definitely geared for the beginner in mind. It's a very basic and simple tour of a brief overview of cups and balls and its many variations. That and a very simple (yet effective) basic routine are the two components of this DVD. There was a fun little discrepancy subtlety taught on here that I was unfamiliar with, but other than that, this is old hat for anyone who performs this effect regularly.

However, that said, I highly recommend this to anyone new to magic in general and to anyone looking to add a cups and balls routine to their repertoire. Further, you pros out there . . . I want you to buy it too. Not because you'll learn anything new (necessarily), but because you can afford to spend $9.95 to fund this valiant effort to improve the quality of new up and coming magicians.

Bottom line, if you're reading this review, you should buy this DVD.

Final Verdict:
4 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

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