Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Crazy by Aerosmith

For $20 bucks you get a cool prop, a great presentation, and a not-as-thorough-as-it-should-have-been DVD.

I like this effect, and I'm working it into a show I'm putting together. As many of you know, I'm picky, very picky about my repertoire.

However, just because I like it doesn't mean you will. So first, watch the trailer. The effect is pure and clean and funny and goes down exactly as you see in the trailer. The ad copy is 100% accurate including the part where it says that it includes " . . . an instructional DVD outlining the routine" (emphasis mine). That's pretty much all you get is an outline. I was very disappointed in the "educational" portion of this DVD. The best part, in my opinion, is the performance that you see if you select "play all." It's the same guy as in the trailer, but it's a different setting with different spectators.

If you try to get to the performance by clicking on "chapters" and then clicking on "performance," you'll get the in-studio walk-through "performance" from a different guy. The "instructions" are more like an "expose." There's very little detail, and no presentational ideas to speak of.

It definitely presumes a certain level of knowledge of magic. The run time is about 10 minutes. It could have easily been a much better DVD with just 5 or 10 more minutes to explain things a little better and offer some presentational ideas. For example, the version you see in the trailer is not taught. Those in the "know" will of course recognize what "special" deck was used to accomplish that effect. However, if you purchased the DVD with the intent to learn that version and you're not aware of that particular deck of cards, you'll be disappointed.

A lot of people doubt me when I say that I've given good reviews to products I would never use, and that I've given not-so-good reviews to products I would use. This particular review is proof of the truth of that statement. The prop itself (the folded piece of paper) is very good quality and well made, no doubt about it. However if you're a newbie to magic, you won't be able to do the version shown in the trailer. Plus the overall educational section is quite lacking in many ways. If you have your own ideas on how you would use this prop, then definitely get it. You won't be disappointed. It's good quality and well made and it is 100% self-contained. You don't need a deck of cards at all. You only need this prop. With it you can do two different "think of a card and I'll read your mind" effects.

If however, you're looking to do the effect shown in the trailer, you'll be disappointed unless you know about the special deck used, and you'll be given a brief expose of how the prop works.

Final Verdict:
2.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Grubble (Part Gem: Excellent Idea, Part Rubble: Poorly Taught).

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