Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Wind Of Change By The Scorpions

Really? Two whole freakin' DVDs about the Elmsley Count!? Really!? Snoooooooooozzzzzzzzzzzzze!

Or so I thought. I love it when I'm wrong about something like this. This DVD is surprisingly good. As much of a fan of Liam Montier and BBM as I am, I was just not sure you could really make a two disk set about the Elmsley Count, but it turns out, you can!

The ad copy is pretty much dead on, so I have no complaints there. The production value, of course - it's BBM - is incredible. So the only question is the content.

As I mentioned, I was quite surprised at how easy this was to watch. I consider myself a pretty knowledgeable card guy and I've used the good old Elmsley Count on and off over the years, yet there was still much to be gained by watching this DVD.

The title is slightly misleading because several other counts (e.g., Jordon, Spirit, Siva, Et al.) are covered as well, and, yes I know that's not the most proper use of "Et al." but it works. :)

In addition to the "other" counts, there were several variations on the Elmsley Count and its various handling positions (e.g., Opec, Outjogged Elmsley, Pinch Grip, Snap Count, Split Elmsley, Twist Grip, Undergorund Elmsley and Veritical Elmsley). This was an excellent addition covering different techniques for different venues and scenarios [Sleep]. (If you get that reference, I'll give you a nickel.)

And if all that weren't enough, there is a section covering in fine detail each point in the count: the start, the count of one, count of two, the three/four count, tips on hiding more than one card, etc., etc., etc.

That's all disk one. Disk two contains 8 effects using either the Elmsley Count or one of the other variations or counts taught on disk one. Of course a project of this title would not be complete without the two most well known effects using the Elmsley Count (i.e., The Four Card Trick by Alex Elmsley and Twisting The Aces by Vernon).

This material is essentially a compilation of classic material taught, of course, in several other places, but it's a wonderful thing to have it all in one place. And it's simple to access and navigate to boot. If you're new to card magic, this is an absolute must have. Even if you're a veteran and a frequent user (or abuser) of the Elmsley Count (and other counts of this nature), you'll learn something too.

Liam is extremely likable and laid back and does an excellent job of not only teaching the material, but he keeps what could be easily very dry material fresh and entertaining and very easy to watch.

I do think, however, that this could have fit onto one DVD and been sold for maybe $30, but even at $35 (which is more and more the standard price these days) it's a solid, solid deal.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

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