Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Rodeo By Garth Brooks

Oddly, the first trick on the Bill Malone DVD here is a rope trick . . . get it . . . rope . . . Rodeo . . .

For $35 bucks you get . . . well . . . Bill Malone. It's pretty much always gonna be worth it guys! Production quality . . . excellent (LLPub . . . Duh!).

You get 9 effects plus some excellent tips/ideas from Malone that are very valuable. Plus you get to a true pro like Bill Malone in action.

Below is a brief commentary for each effect along with a star rating for each effect. Along with the add copy from the DVD:

The Old Rope Trick!

Bill's friend, comedy magician Rich Purpura, shares one of his opening effects - a cut and restored rope that never restores.

My Comments: This is going right into my stand up act. I'm actually replacing my opener with this. It's not magic. It's just freaking hilarious

Star Rating: 5

Those Scary Cannibal Cards!

Ad Copy: Bill's incredibly entertaining 'Cannibal Card' routine!

My Comments: Malone's handling is pretty to watch and has a few additions that are worth learning. Very funny and very entertaining.

Star Rating: 4.5


Ad Copy: Bill's presentation of Daryl's now famous 'Diamond Bar' routine!

My Comments: Not my favorite, but still a nice hook and a fun way to do a quick ace assembly

Star Rating: 3.5

Ernie's Sex Test!

Ad Copy: Ernie Spence, the number one bar magician in Chicago, gives us this hilarious routine. Bill performed this throughout his bar magic days.

My Comments: The trick is solid . . . a Glorpy effect that's pretty offensive and certainly not my style, but if you're into that kind of thing, you'll be happy with this routine.

Star Rating: 2

Which One's Missing?

Ad Copy: An easy-to-do trick that packs a huge punch with adults and children.

My Comments: This is a fun and simple visual effect that looks like real magic, and I can attest to its power first hand. I spent an entire day at an elementary school doing pretty much nothing but this trick (a very slightly modified version of it)

Star Rating: 4.5

A Tribute to Johnny Carson!

Ad Copy: Bill's 'Cards To Pocket' routine.

My Comments: Hands down . . . the best Cards to Pocket Routine I've ever seen. It'll take you some serious time to master, but it's so perfect and so beautiful and all ten cards can be signed by the audience . . . no dupes.

Star Rating: 5

Hands-Off Memory Test!

Ad Copy: A three-phase routine using the Aronson Stack!

My Comments: This effect alone has made me decide to learn the Aronson Stack. It's a very powerful effect and probably the best one on the DVD.

Star Rating: 5

Come Back Jack!

Ad Copy: Bill's prize-winning handling and presentation of the Homing Card plot!

My Comments: Decent effect, but it felt a little too much like 6 card repeat to me . . . which is one of my least favorite plots in magic. This is not a 6 card repeat, but it has that same 'feeling,' so if you like that 'feeling,' you'll like this.

Star Rating: 3

Collins/Lewis Vanishing Aces!

Ad Copy: A true classic, Michael Skinner-style.

My Comments: Great effect, but does require a table and a card pad. Plus you'll learn some seriously cool moves, and of course, Malone adds an element of beauty and poetry in his movement and delivery.

Star Rating: 4.5

The average rating for all of the tricks is 4 stars. Consider that plus Malone's tips and the fact that you're watching a pro in action, it's hard to give this DVD less than 5 stars, and so . . .

Final Verdict:
5 stars with a Stone Rating of Full-On GEM!

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