Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Skyscraper by Demi Lovato

Production Quality: Three Words: Big Blind Media . . . 'Nuff Said.

In addition to the incredible production quality we're treated to a dozen effects plus the 13 gaffed cards all for only $30 bucks. You'll find, on this DVD, some 'ok' effects, some really good ones, and maybe one or two less-than-ok effects. However, I really enjoy watching Liam perform. He's very laid back and always has a decent in-line or presentational premise that makes the trick worthy of considering. Rather than spending time overly complicating the routines with meaningless palaver, He let's the magic speak for itself . . . even if the magic doesn't have a lot to say. I'd much rather see that than the most amazing magic effect that is up-staged by a rambling magician.

Let's look at each effect.

The Chosen (3.5 stars):

This effect has an excellent premise and though it uses several gaffs, they are mostly kept in a separate packet from the deck and do not clog up the deck with a messy set up. There's a nice kicker at the end, but the procedures are a little bit contrived. However, there are a lot of solid reasons to study this routine . . . (Pssst . . . Liam . . . You need to practice your Hamman Count . . . you're flashing at the critical moment . . . but I still love ya man . . . and you're not gettin' my Bud Light)

Off colour (3.5 stars):

This is a funny and magical idea that has a lot of potential and is really easy to do.

Twisted (1.5 stars):

This one let me down a little bit. The first phase was solid, but the rest of it kind of was anticlimactic.

Four Eyes (2.5 stars):

This on is kind of fun, but had more potential than was shown. It involved some gaffs and a prop that took more time to explain or set up than the actual effect did. A lot of anticipation for a quick moment of magic that only impacts one person and is just a gag or joke for the rest of the audience. Like I said, it's fun and has potential, but it was largely untapped.

Punched (2.5 stars):

This is a decent transposition, but the method seems a little transparent. However the ending helps kind of void out parts of the method.

Beauty Spot (4 stars):

Beautiful effect and super clever method. This is probably my favorite routine. It's very visual and has tons of presentational possibility.

Mass Hippy-Nosis (3.5 stars)

This is a clever premise and a pretty simple method for performing a solid routine and proved my thesis that most magicians when asked to name any card will name the 7 of clubs.

Lazer This (2 stars):

This effect was ok but seemed a little contrived and not as magical as some of the other effects. I could almost see this as maybe an interlude in the middle of a card effect.

Flink (1 star):

Way too much set up in the deck for just an 'ok' effect.

Blush (2.5 stars):

Blush is a decent packet trick that ends with two gaffs in the hands of the spectator. So you theoretically end clean, but I'm not so sure that I'd want these to gaffs in the hands of a spectator. That aside, the effect is pretty decent. Not earth-shattering, but fun.

Air-Zooka (3 stars):

From the Wicked World of Liam Montier we get bonus #1, AirZooka. This is a fun effect with a lot of potential where the air inside of a strip of packing bubbles is popped and magically restored. There is one moment in the routine that is a little illogical or even contrived that I would change if I performed this effect.

Upside Down Frown (2 stars):

Bonus #2 from Wicked World . . .: This is a really cool quickie of an idea, but the problem is that the portion of the effect that is meant to be the visual portion doesn't quite work out. It's hard to explain without tipping the method. But when you see it performed, you'll know what I mean. However, the good news is that you can perform the effect in a less visual yet more powerful way without a problem.

You may have noticed that many of the effects were 'fun' or 'had a lot of potential.' I think what Liam has given us is some solid premises as well as some cool methods and ideas that we can take and run with.

Final Verdict:
3 Stars with a Stone Status of gem (little 'g').

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