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Psychic CDs Review

One small booklet, one routine, 6 CDs, $25 bucks and one Psychic CDs Review. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.

Psychic CDs Review: Effect

The short version of the effect is that you predict which two CDs two different spectators will pick. Watch the ad trailer. The effect and presentation are both pretty clear.

Psychic CDs Review: Method

The method adapts a few basic card sleights and techniques to using CDs. The method is solid, easy, doable and legit and uses (card) moves that are pretty standard and have definitely stood the test of time. Part of the method relies on some markings built into the printing on the CDs. However, you don't have to use those particular markings, and the CD labels are designed such that you can chose from more than one marking system. However, you can use your own marking system as well. You can even do it without relying on marks.

Based on the way Kyle did it in the video performance, I think he simply peeked the bottom of the CDs when he needed to. Either way, the method is easy and totally doable. It takes a little bit of practice to use your favorite packet trick sleights on a packet of CDs, but nothing that can't be overcome.

Psychic CDs Review: Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is honest, accurate and fair. Keep in mind that you're reading the ad copy from Lybrary.com for the PDF version which does NOT come with the CDs, but only costs $10. The version that I'm reviewing is the printed booklet with supplied CDs for $25.

Psychic CDs Review: Product Quality

The booklet quality is a little cheap feeling, but the write up of this is pretty clear for the most part. I had to re-read the CD handling part a couple of times, but I was able to get it after a couple of times. The CDs provided have labels on them which I'll show in detail in the video review. They're not the best looking quality/design. They look very 80's. However, that's purely opinion, and has no impact on the final rating, so I'll show them to you and let you decide. Also, the PDF version comes with the labels in the PDF. You can just print them and put them on the CDs.

But, I have not seen the PDF version, so I don't know if the CDs match the ones I have. Further, I don't know if they're laid out in the proper format to allow you to print them on CD label paper (i.e., stickers that are cut specifically to be put on CDs). I'm only reviewing the hard copy I receive, and merely informing you (as best as I can) about the PDF only version.

The only part of the product quality that I felt was truly lacking was the marking system on the back. While the idea of the marking is clever, it wasn't implemented well enough. It mostly relies on the copyright text on the CD, the location or the color, etc. However, on a couple of the CDs I actually could not find the copyright text because it blended in with the CD label design. I finally found it, but I would not rely on this for the markings. As I mentioned previously, the markings aren't, necessarily, needed.

Psychic CDs Review: Final Thoughts

Kyle points out that he got this idea from Nicholas Knight's lecture notes, Drawing Room Deceptions. The idea being to replace your favorite packet trick with CDs. The point being that CDs might lend themselves to more and/or better presentational angles. I'll leave it to you to decide if that's true or not. It's all relative.

If you liked what you saw in the ad trailer, then you'll be happy with your purchase. If you don't like the labels (watch the review video), then I would suggest you purchase the $10 PDF version of this and make your own CD labels.

Either way, if you're looking for an effect like this, you'll likely be very happy with your purchase.

Final Verdict:
3.5 Stars with a Stone Status of gem.

Lybrary - Psychic CDs Review - Magic Reviewed

Download Version available from Lybrary.com.

Physical Version Available Directly from Kyle Merck.


  • Vince says:

    I picked this up from Kyle years ago at his lecture. Psychic CDs is a wonderful effect. You dont have to use music cds as I use movie dvds and video game discs would be a neat idea as well. Once you learn the method you can really customize the props for your performing needs. This trick is great for walk around, table hopping and stand up. For $10 at Lybrary.com you’re have a fun prediction effect that’s different and entertaining.

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