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Induction Review

Two DVDs, over four hours of material, $50 bucks and one Induction Review. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.

Induction Review: Introduction

Before diving into the review I felt it appropriate to let y'all know that I have a bit of history with hypnosis. I used to do both private therapy hypnosis as well as entertainment hypnosis, so I will, occasionally, interject personal experience in the review to follow.

Induction Review: Effect/Method

What you're getting, as stated in the ad copy, is a master course in stage hypnosis. There is no effect or method to speak of per se. It's a "lecture" of sorts that covers everything (more on that in a moment) about stage hypnosis.

Induction Review: Ad Copy Integrity

Watch the ad trailer. First, likely, it'll make you want to watch this DVD set. Second, it'll give a good feel of the style, format and content of the set. Next, read the ad copy. Then know this: it's absolutely, 100% true. For those who don't believe in hypnosis, a) it's real (speaking from personal experience) and b) after watching this DVD set, you'll be much more educated on the subject, and will, likely, become a believer. So any claims in the ad copy about mind control and so forth that you find not-credible or false due to your lack of belief in hypnosis, simply stated: You are wrong. The claims are accurate and true.

Induction Review: Product Quality

First, the production value is excellent. Lighting, audio, camera angles, entertainment value, etc. are all excellent. The only exception to the audio quality is during a few clips from the live hypnosis show. On occasion, there was some sort of audio glitch making thinigs sound a bit funny/weird during the live clips. It's minor and does not impact the ability to learn anything from this set.

This DVD set is over 4 hours long. The first DVD is the training, and it's 3 full hours. It covers everything . . . starting the show, initial crowd involvement, finding subjects, testing them, inducing them, hypnotic suggestion, creating "skits", closing the show and so much more. The footage is shot in the Murphy's studio with Spidey and a large notepad on an easel. Each concept is taught thoroughly and in great depth. Then interspersed between teaching segments are clips from his live show that demonstrate the principles taught.

The entire thing was an absolute joy to watch, and there are some funny bits o' business injected into the teaching segments, that made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. It was a quick 3 hours (DVD #1). The only thing that I felt wasn't covered in great depth was the "how to create skits" section. He covered some basic concepts, briefly, that will help you create your own skits, but I felt more depth would have been helpful. It's a small "issue" and, frankly, almost not worth mentioning, but I know y'all expect thorough-ness from me.

The second DVD is about and hour and 20 minutes or so of his show. It's pretty much the whole thing from start to finish. They just cut out a few of the skits in the middle for time's sake, but other than that you're pretty much seeing an entire show. First of all, he's freakin' hilarious. Better said, he's darn good at creating superstars who are hilarious on stage. His show was excellent, funny, entertaining and well structured, etc.

As you know, usually the performer's performance isn't a part of the rating, but in this case it is because it ads HUGE credibility to the project. There is no doubt in my mind, based on spending the last 4 hours with Spidey, that he is an expert on this subject of stage hypnosis. Further, he recommends other must read resources on the subject.


Induction Review

Induction Review: Warning

There is one section of the live show on disk two where he has the subject (who thinks he is a famous Chinese rap star) demonstrate three bizarre and "crazy" sex positions from his culture. Anybody who knows me, knows that this is not my style of humor. Even I, however, found this to be hilarious . . . a bit (a lot bit) off color, but hilarious. It does not impact the star rating, however it is a warning for those who do not like this style of humor. It's the kind of thing that you'll see when it's about to happen, and you'll be able to skip it.

Induction Review: Final Thoughts

Nearly 20 years ago I retired from doing anything hypnosis related. My biggest reason was that it was scary having that much control over people. This DVD set is the first hypnosis related thing (other than going to an occasional show) I've done in nearly two decades. However, after watching this, I'm seriously considering taking it up again, and building an act based on Spidey's training course.

After watching this course — truly a master course — you will be motivated, excited, inspired, impressed, entertained, extremely well educated, and a handful of other things. If you have even the remotest interest in becoming a stage hypnotist, this is a no-brainer. Get it now. If you have no interest in hypnosis, then you can skip this. However, even you may find something of value in this 2 disk set.

Final Verdict:
5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

Available at your Favorite Magic Dealer. Dealer's see Murphy's Magic for details.

1 Comment

  • James Hodges says:

    What skill level is required to learn the concepts in the dvd? Immve never performed hypnosis so I was wondering what is the learning curve?

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