Random I-Tunes Song of the Moment: House of Pain By Faster Pussycat

Finally, someone gets it. I'm so tired of these $30 one trick DVDs with no props. This DVD breaks that moronic mold by presenting a solid effect with multiple extras and a package of 10 specially shaped rubber bands, plus an instructional DVD all for only $20 bucks. I really like the concept of this effect. It's very timely. My kids all wear the so-called Silly Bandz. My youngest son, literally, has 2 or three dozen of them. Every time we go to the store he wants new ones.

The star-shaped bands included with this effect are basically just Silly Bandz . . . though these stars seem much, much, much more sturdy. Another thing the kids do with there rubber jewelry is make various shapes and patterns with the bands. It's kind of like the old cat's cradle you used to do with your old Chinese Jump Rope.

In the classic Joe Rindfleisch book Elastrix you learn how to make various shapes with rubber bands as well as many different rubber band tricks. It was that book where I first learned to make a star pattern with a rubber band.

In this DVD, you'll learn how to make three or four variations of a star using two rubber bands. Then you magically cause one of the bands to stay in the shape of a star permanently. The presentation on the video is very dry. The explanation is equally dry, but very thorough. You'll learn in great detail how to make these various patterns.

Also, I've tested these rubber bands out. You can use them for pretty much any standard rubber band effect. I've done linking rubber bands with them, Crazy Man's Handcuffs, and rubber band 'sculpting' with no problems whatsoever. For $20.00 you get a really cool trick that you can wear on your wrist and relate to both adults and kids.

Assuming you like the effect after watching the demo, the product itself is 3.5 stars. Thus . . .

Final Verdict:
3.5 stars with a Stone rating of Gem.

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