Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Guns N' Roses

Jon Allen: Paragon 3D reviewed

One clear box, one DVD, enough stuff to make two gimmicks and $70 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


This is the old "paradox card" trick. A clear box showing a folded card is placed on the table. A card is selected and signed. Lo and behold the card in the clear case turns out to be the signed selection. The signed card and the clear box can be thoroughly examined. You can also use this for Confabulation style effects, billets and paper money.


The method requires a special gimmick that will take you about 5 minutes to make. Everything you need to build two gimmicks is included with the DVD. You'll also need to put in a fair amount of practice to get the timing and functioning of the gimmick just right. This method is very doable and realistic and within the grasp of anyone willing to put in the time. When you are done, the box is examinable, and the selected card is examinable. You are left holding out something that can easily be ditched, but due to the structure of the routine, there is no need to worry about it. The handling is extremely clean.

You can easily make a second gimmick with the stuff supplied that can be used for billets or something else, and in order to switch between gimmicks from table to table, there is nothing to do. It's as simple as putting one gimmick in the box instead of the other gimmick.

The only negative thing I have to say about this is that often, the gimmick would either get stuck in the box or it would not "operate" quite right. It was very fidgety to keep tweaking the gimmick and the way I handled the box to get it to finally work the way I wanted. It was a bit of a pain, but once I got it "there," it worked groovily . . . if that's a word.

Ad Copy Integrity

Take a minute to read the ad copy. It's 100% accurate. The only point of clarification I have is that the box is not examinable before you dump out the card that's inside, but only after. However, as the ad copy claims, before the card is dumped out, it can be viewed from ALL angles. That is absolutely true. The effects is as clean as it looks on the video trailer.

Product Quality

The box that comes with this is very well made and feels very solid. It's a good looking prop that you may find valuable for other effects as well. The video instructions are well done, though not the most impressive video quality. However, you are taught clearly and cleanly everything you need to know. The menu is simple and includes that all-to-forgotten "play all" button.

Final Thoughts

I know that people are going to ask me this, so I'm just gonna answer it right now. Which is better, Paragon 3D or Mystery Solved by David Penn? Well. In my opinion, this one (Paragon 3D) is much better. First, the box is examinable at the end. Penn's box is not. Second, the card in the box looks more realistic (because it is real) than Penn's. Third, this box is more sturdy and professional looking than Penn's box.

Finally, switching from card to billet or whatever between sets is a simple thing to do with Paragon 3D, whereas Penn's is not. It's quite a pain actually. You kind of have to pick one thing to use the Penn box for and pretty much always use that gimmick.

Both are the same price, and Penn's is a good product. I gave it 4 stars, but if I had to choose between this and that . . . this.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • Alan says:

    Ok I like the trick. Like you said the only thing I have a concern is making the gimmick. I have bout a few tricks that I had to make one. They did not not turn out so great and I don’t use the tricks because I can not get them just right. With that said liked the review and the trick.


  • Ras Al Ghul says:

    (Most pleasant Review Jeffrey) For a see through box it looks great. Not a fan of any of them being obscured. I do like the fact that you show and do empty the contents that’s more natural looking. Thank you for bringing up the fact that it gets jammed as opposed to peanut buttered, trying to empty out the contents. It looks fair and clean, I like that. I guess if it gets jammed at the beginning you could tap or almost like you’re knocking. And when you get asked, What are you doing? You can cover by saying, “I’m Knocking On Heaven’s Door.” And continue with the routine. Tee hee’s

    The One’s and Only
    For We Are Many………

  • Jeff, is it worth the $70? Also, does the DVD have a full routine included?

    Thanks Brother!

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Steven – The DVD does not (to my recollection) contain a full routine, but it does cover everything else. As for the price, it depends. If you’re gonna use it, then maybe. If not, then no. However, even if you use it, how often, and so many other questions come into play. I rarely, if ever, tell people if a prices is “worth it” because that’s such a personal thing.

  • Excellent review, Jeff. One aspect I appreciate in your reviews is not just the thoroughness, but the respect given to the creator in not revealing the gimmick, move, “secret”, etc. Something that’s obvious that you go out of your way to do, and put a lot of thought into.
    So that aside, sounds like an excellent effect, and I’ll definitely consider buying one, as it seems extremely versatile. Question: Could another similar type of box be used? I’ve got several clear boxes that are a bit larger then the one provided, or is the size important (I’ll hold back on the comments that just popped into my brain…)?
    Thanks for the review, and the work ou put into this service. IT’s appreciated by meny, and saves a lot of time and $.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Hope it’s full of laughter and warmth.

    -Dan C.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Daniel – Thanks brother. The main key to the box size is that the folded card inside of it must sit in there sort of “wedged” in loosely with the mouth open. The inside walls of the box kind of play a role in the working of the gimmick, so a different size would, likely, be a problem.

  • Quaid the Mystic says:

    Just watched this, and as a side comment, I purchased Perfect Score & can vouch for it’s quality. It is an incredible idea & allows for terrific folds–both MCF’s & 6-way folding.

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