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Jim Newberry: Mismade Bill Reviewed

One bill, $8 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


The effect can be seen in the picture. There are many ways to get there. Tear up a bill and restore it "incorrectly"; fold a bill only to unfold it inside-out. The list goes on and on. What to do with this prop is up to you and your imagination. It's a prop that has stood the test of time. Tons of different magicians have had there way with this prop. Harry Anderson, P. Howard Lyons, James Lewis, Dan Harlan, and tons of others. The method? I'm sure you know this, but it's a bill switch. So the question, then becomes, what switch and routine best suit your style.

But . . . none of the above is what you're getting. You're getting the mismade bill and nothing more. To me, this is akin to buying a deck of cards. Supply your own routine. I have no problem with that because that's exactly what they say you're getting.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy merely points out the fact that you're getting legitimate actual U.S. currency that has been precision cut. It also comes with a money back guarantee if you're not happy with the quality of the bill. They even clearly point out in the ad copy that there are no instructions or routines being supplied.

Product Quality

The quality of the bill can really only be judged on one thing: the cut. Everything else is done by the U.S. Treasury. The only thing Jim Newberry is doing is cutting the bills, and the cut is just fine. It's symetrical, smooth and even. Incidentally, since I mentioned Dan Harlan, due to the nature of the method, you would not be able to do Harlan's signed version of Mismade Bill with this bill. However, any standard effect where a bill ends up in this condition is totally doable.

Final Thoughts

There are other props out there that are sold this same way: ESP cards, silks, etc. I like that this is another prop being added to the a la carte style of purchasing. This is ideal for anyone who has a Mismade bill routine that they do or would like to do. For only $8 bucks (including shipping in the U.S.), this is a very reasonably priced product. You also receive a discount if you buy more (3 for $20, 10 for $50). If you're looking for routine ideas and methods, this is not for you. However, on the website where you can purchase this, there is a list of resources found on the about page.

Final Verdict:
5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • Jordan A' Vive says:

    This thing open so many possibilities!
    I know Dan Harlan’s method and I wish I could do this but it doesn’t exist for my currency.
    But for those in the US don’t even hesitate!
    If I would do a promotional video or a TV show I would even give the mismade bill as a souvenir, it could be so strong!

    • Jeff Stone says:

      @Jordan – What currency do you use? Also, if can’t get uncut currency from your country, you can still use American money. I do tricks with foreign money all the time.

  • This has nothing to do with the trick but the geek in me got a kick out of it. When you hold up the bill to the camera you can see your mountain picture through the bill. You can only see it where the green ink is.

    OK, i’m going back to lurking on your site.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      Yep. Now whenever I have something green, I try to make a point of showing it on the screen so that you get a weird green screen effect.

  • Alan says:

    Well the price sounds good if you do this kind of act. If I did I would probably go get a bunch. Keep up the good work Moose! lol

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