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The Magic Of Suzanne Review

Two DVDs, tons of commentary, real world expertise and $40 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Though this DVD is not about "effect" per se, you are shown multiple performances of the four effects that make up her act. First, Let's Play Together, is her version of Ambitious Card with several fun additions and audience banter. Next up is Coming Home III, Suzanne's handling of the classic Carlyle (and other influences) Homing Card. Following that is transposition of the pads on two Band-Aids® based on Joe Givan's effect, Band-Aid® Transpo called A Mother's Love. This effect is all about presentation and the magic of a mother's love. We end the set with her handling of Al Schneider's cups and balls. Here we're treated to a beautiful story of life's journey of knowledge and wisdom . . . very Eugene Burger-ish.


As mentioned, this is not about the effects, and therefore not much about methods either. We are, however, given an in depth teaching of the first two effects (both card effects). But the Band-Aid® effect and the cups and balls are not taught. My guess is that if you've done cups and balls, you'll know how she did her routine, with the possible exception of knowing how the final load was done. I have no idea how she pulled that off. Also, my guess is that most of you (including myself) are also stumped by the Band-Aid® effect as well.

Remember, this is not about teaching "tricks." It's about building an act, connecting to spectators, customizing your magic, etc., etc. This act is the act that won her Close Up Magician of the Year at The Magic Castle, so the goal is to learn about routining and structure from an expert. On that goal, she delivered in spades, and clubs, and hearts, and especially in diamonds.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy and video trailer are both pretty mellow and laid back in their claims. They simply, straightforwardly and honestly represent the material found on the DVD set. The even mention the fact that you will only be taught the two card effects and not the others. On that note, she does give the resources for you to learn the two untaught effects.

Product Quality


I'm not sure if it's a problem with the Castle itself, but it seems that most videos I've watched that were shot in the Magic Castle have lighting issues and production quality issues. This DVD was no exception. The cards were difficult to see due to the lighting. For example, it wasn't until about half-way through the first effect that I realized she was using a double blank faced deck (due to the lighting). As the routine goes on, you realize this and things start to make more sense.

The only reason that's a problem is because you, the viewer/audience, are robbed of the joy of some of the moments of that effect, so you don't get to fully experience what it might be like to witness the effect in real-life. Also, the footage didn't "feel" very HD. However, that said (and other than the aforementioned blank deck issue), you see what you need to see well enough to learn what you need to learn.


The DVD menu was clean and clear, but it was missing a "play all" button which is always a bummer. Other than that, it was super easy to navigate and easy to use.


Between the 2 DVDs you'll learn the two effects mentioned, see multiple performances of each effect, hear voice-over commentary (if you want), and witness multiple interviews. You're getting a lot of content. The effects are taught very well, and her host, Matt Mercy, was very good at making sure she covered the finer points that might have been otherwise missed.

You're also taught how to make her deck switch device, but the most valuable material is found in the interview and voice-over segments. While the voice-over commentary is much the same as the interview content, there are still extra gems found in each that are not found in the other.

Further, you learn why she chose what effect, patter, etc.; you learn how the effects came to be giving you some insight into her creative process. You learn, by example during the performances, audience management. One of the spectator's she used was drunk off his arse. She, masterfully, managed and directed him and made him an integral part of the show. Of the multiple performances shown, this one (with the drunk dude) was, by far, the best.

You'll learn that she's very good with people, and a very good storyteller.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line on this one is that you are receiving a master course on creating a show, connecting with and managing audiences and routining. That kind of information for a magician who wants to be a performer is a steal at $40 bucks.

Final Verdict:

4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • Chet Cox says:

    You’re a sharp reviewer, because I had forgotten – after watching her performance – that there was no Play All button and that the lighting was insufficient for detail. (Even though we understand keeping the lighting as it is, for the purpose of performing for the Castle audience.) That’s how powerful, how effective a performance it is.

    So even though she, literally, overpowered these technical faults, I agree with you docking the DVDs themselves a half a star. I think we can agree, though, that Suzanne herself easily earned five stars or more.

    *jeep! and God Bless!
    —Grandpa Whatshisname

  • Chet Cox says:

    One of your best reviews yet, possibly THE best. Astounding, considering what you just bounced back from. No rustiness at all.

  • Chet Cox says:

    Krusty – as in “not Krispy Kremes?”

  • Jordan A' Vive says:

    I want it so badly!!!
    Not only for the routines but I really want to hear her thoughts and her perception about magic!
    Seems like a good lesson for every magician.
    This is definitely my next purchase.
    Thanks again Jeff!

  • This looks like something I may want. As I get further along in my magical journey I am looking more towards the theory of magic.

    I think this would fit right into it. Also, I’ve never heard of Suzanne and it would be nice to learn about her and her work.

    Have a great day,


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