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Cody Fisher: Cody's Comedy Book Test Review

One DVD, one gimmicked book, 52 minutes and $65 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Many book tests go something like this: They think of a word from the book; they divine it. The end. This effect, however, is much more. You get three phases that theatrically build very well. The routine is modular, so you can use one phase, two phases or all three. It involves 4 books. The only one that's gimmicked is included. The rest you'll have to supply, but they can be any books you want. It gets several people involved, and the final phase has the entire audience extremely engaged.


This combines concepts from Wayne Dobson, Larry Becker and basic book test methods in general. The method is pretty much self-working. You just have to bring your personality. He also teaches you how to customize it for different venues. What you're really buying (other than the book) is Cody Fisher's insight into how to perform this effect, how to make it funny, how to customize it, etc. You're buying his experience and expertise.

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Product Quality

The DVD is well produced: well shot, well lit, well mic'd and well taught. Watching Cody Fisher was easy and entertaining. The training session lasts 52 (ish) minutes and is just the right amount of information. Not too much, not too little. Very . . . Goldilocks. I've watched some DVDs recently where time seemed to stand still. This was the opposite. Time flew by. Everything you need to add this effect to your repertoire is taught excellently.

The book itself is also top quality. It's made to look like an actual joke book that you'd buy at any book store. It actually does have a bunch of jokes in it, but they're never really read. It's not part of the routine.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a flexible routine with a solid method that will play for just about any audience, I think you've found it. Just make sure to include your personality.

Final Verdict:
5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

1 Comment

  • Craig Anderson says:

    I did purchase this pretty soon after it came out. I agree that book tests are generally pretty much one dimensional. This one has lots of laughs. The ending is a little odd, but it worked okay on my “test-dummies’ group (friends that put up with my trial-and-errors.) Cody’s original routing is pretty racy. Most will want to tone it down to their own tastes.

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