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Liam Montier: The Controls Project Review

One DVD, a ton of card controls, six effects and $35 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


If you've been following the BBM "Projects" reviews that I've been writing, this one is going to sound very familiar. There's not a whole lot to say. You'll learn 25 card controls and 6 effects. There was a good mix of "familiar" controls and less-than-familiar controls.

All of them are doable, legitimate, stood-the-test-of-time controls, methods, etc. The 6 effects taught pretty much rely on a control taught on the DVD and some other basic card handling.

Ad Copy Integrity

I think Kenton Knepper may be part of the staff of BBM: This is the third "Project" DVD in a row where the count of actual techniques taught vs. the amount claimed to be taught in the ad copy is always off by one. I'm not sure what's going on there. The ad says 26 (video and written) controls are taught. However, it's only 25. That typo aside, everything else in the ad copy is 100% accurate.

Product Quality

I just woke up from a dream where I was braiding Owen Packards luxurious goat beard. Anyway, I said that to say . . . it's Big Blind Media. Do I really have to tell you that it's extremely well produced? I think not. Just know that it is. Liam, again, comes through with good, clear and concise instructions for all of the effects and techniques. Everything is well taught and like the other "Projects," this makes for an excellent resource for one's library.

Final Thoughts

This is great for both beginner and advanced level magicians. I think combing over each of the "Projects" in this set will give you a well rounded knowledge of critical card handling techniques. This one is no different. If you're a card worker, this DVD can be an invaluable addition to your personal library.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem

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