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Liam Montier: The Forces Project Review

One DVD, a cubic butt load of information and $35 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


This is a not quite a "study" of forces, but rather a resource of 25 very common (for the most part) forces. Sprinkled throughout, you'll find tips and advice about making the forces more natural and less detectable. You'll learn how to deal with situations where you miss the force. On top of that you'll learn 6 effects that utilize various forces. The effects chosen help demonstrate the flexibility of various forces and how powerful combining them with each other and/or other moves can be.

The effects taught are all pretty much prediction effects. They all differ in theme, some more powerful than others. Blendo combines two forces together and a few other sleights to make a very visual and surprising routine. As I said, each effect is, at its core, a prediction effect.

Ad Copy Integrity

Read over the ad copy and watch the video trailer. They are 100% accurate. You get exactly what it says. Although, oddly enough, the written copy says 24 forces, but the video says 25. The video trailer has the correct number.

Product Quality

Big Blind Media. Other than some clever, witty comment about Owen "The Great White Beard" Packard, there's not much more to say about the production. It's well lit, well shot, and well taught. The menu is easy to navigate, which is helpful when you have this much content.

Liam does a great job of giving simple explanation of each force. Not a lot of time is spent on each one. Only a few minutes are needed. When you need to study them again, rewatch the section you need. The tricks are taught well also.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for a solid resource for a whole bunch of forces along with a few effects that can be done with them, including mind reading and predictions, you'll be very happy with this DVD. If you already know a whole bunch of forces, you're probably familiar with most of these. However, there were a few that are lesser known and may be worth your attention, but I would say that this DVD (more than the other "Project" DVDs I've reviewed from BBM) is for beginners. There were a few pointers, tips and ideas that the more advanced folks will find interesting, but for the most part, you're getting an entry-level course in forcing cards.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

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