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Jay Sankey: Flatline Review

One flattened Sharpie, one regular Sharpie, One hour, five bonus effects and $35. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


The main effect you're paying for is that you flatten the rear end of a Sharpie marker. Take a look at the picture of the video to get an idea. Watch the ad trailer for a further look. Next are five bonus effects, 4 of which use a Sharpie marker. The idea is to get the Sharpie in play by using one of these effects before flattening it.


The method for the bonus effects are simple, doable, and very practical. They're well structured and within the grasp of any performer's skill level. The method for the main effect relies on a switch, and Jay covers several methods, handling ideas, presentational ideas and more. There will be a method that speaks to you for sure. There are many possibilities taught and discussed on the DVD.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy and video trailer are both solid and 100% accurate.

Product Quality

As usual, the three sub categories of product quality: gimmick, DVD, teaching.


The gimmick is well flattened. It's not quite shaped the same as the one in the ad pictures and trailer, however, the ad copy clearly states that each product will vary since they're hand made. Either way, it looks like what it is . . . a flattened Sharpie.


The DVD is well produced, lit, mic'd, etc. It has a simple and good menu. It's easy to navigate, and there are just the right amount of chapters. No fancy frills, just the information in a simple format.


This is the Jay I fell in love with oh so many years ago. A fun blend of "normal" Jay, "funny" Jay and "crazy" Jay. I LOVE it. It makes the DVD so much easier to watch than so many other products out there. Further, the details of each effect, method, concept, etc., was covered just the right amount. It wasn't too much nor was it too little. Very Goldilocks. Everything you need to know to learn the main effect or any of the bonus effects is covered in and easy to follow and easy to understand and very entertaining way.

Final Thoughts

The only thing about this product that I was slightly — and I do mean slightly — was the look of my particular pen. But that disappointment went away very quickly when I realized that mine is shaped like a Club. So I'm going to write a "Q" on the end of the marker, and have the Queen of Clubs "selected" if you know what I mean. When you consider the fact that you get the gimmick, the Sharpie, the bonus effects, the excellent teaching, etc. $35 bucks is a very reasonable asking price.

Final Verdict:
5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • Dr. J. says:

    The first month of every Wednesday, huh? Lol.

  • Mark Paulson says:

    This sounds like a fun trick, but it seems you’d run out of people to show it to unless you know A LOT of people. I guess the bonus tricks make up for it, and of course, you’ve got to love Jay Sankey!

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