Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: One by CMH World (A Celtic Tribute to Metallica)

M-Case by Mickael Chatelain Review:

One gimmick, one DVD, and $35 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Many effects are possible with this gimmick. For example, place a red backed card in your case. Cause it to instantly and visibly change to a blue backed card.


This is a gimmicked card box that does all the work for you. It allows you to place one object intoΒ the box and openly or secretly change it into another object. As long as both objects are relatively flat and small. Coin, rubber bands, cards, dollar bills, paper, etc. . . . all of those items will work just fine. Anyone of any skill level can perform this.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy is dead on. It's accurate and honest. Just a word of caution: they say that the spectator can easily handle the card box. This is true, but I would be very careful. I would not let them "examine" it.

Product Quality

The DVD is well produced and covers many, many, many possible uses for the case. You also get the option of French or English. The card box itself is well made too. However, mine came unglued. A little glue will fix it, but I thought it was a bit weird to come apart before I've really used it.

Final Thoughts

You may remember my review of Romero Box. This is a similar product. However, the Romero Box is $60 and does not come with a DVD, and the gimmick is a little more bulky and the box doesn't look as "clean" as the M-Case. Plus, with the M-Case you get a DVD with multiple ideas, and it's only $35 bucks. The only thing about the M-Case that's a disadvantage over the Romero Box, is the reset.

The M-Case reset must be done when nobody is looking, whereas the Romero Box can be used over and over again and resets instantly. With the M-Case, once the change happens, that's it. You can't use the box again for anything other than a box. With the Romero Box, you can change back and forth over and over again.

Because of these differences, there are some effects that aren't possible with the M-Case that are possible with the Romero Box. Also, you can't look into the M-Case box too closely before the change happens. However, after the change, you can hand the box out. I would not recommend handing out the Romero, however.

Finally, with the Romero Box you can keep your deck in it with no problem. The M-Case can also hold your deck, but upon removing the deck, you have to do some fidgety business to set the box up for an effect. With the Romero Box, you just slide the deck out without any fidgety moves.

Bottom line: I think this gimmick looks better and is cleaner, but it does have some issues.

Final Verdict:
4 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.

1 Comment

  • Jeff Stone says:

    Crap! I screwed up the editing at the end . . . the timing of the outro music is off. πŸ™

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