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Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Volume 3 Review:

Ten tricks, one DVD and 30 bucks . . . is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


With a DVD of this nature, discussing the effect is a bit lengthy, so let's stick with generalities, shall we? The disk contains 10 card effects that are all "self-working" that range from mind reading to prediction to coincidence to rising cards and more. The effects are presented by James Went, Liam Montier and Ryan Schlutz. However, the effects are created by some of the greatest creators of recent history. Namely:

  • Simon Aronson
  • Daryl
  • Nick Trost
  • Larry Jennings
  • John Scarne
  • David Solomon
  • Alex Elsmsley
  • Geoff Williams
  • and more . . .


All of the methods are self-working. However, they're being demoed by a trio of sleight of hand magicians, so they had a tendency, on more than one occasion, to throw in some false shuffles and a move here or there. Then, as if they realized "oops this is a sleight-free DVD," they quickly dismissed the move and made sure that they covered how to do it without the move.

Some of the methods require full deck stacks, while others require absolutely no stack and can be done with borrowed, incomplete decks. The only effect that required more than a deck of cards was Daryl's rising card effect. It requires simple props that everyone in America has laying around their homes . . . a pen, an envelope, etc.

No gimmicked cards are used. Some of these effects require lengthy procedures, while others are super straight-forward. Still, others require a bit of thinking or a little bit of math . . . super simple math that a kindergartener could do without thinking.

The methods are all very doable and easy to learn, and most of the time you have to simply have faith that the methods work, because they'll often fool you as well.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy makes such claims as "greatest card tricks of all time" and the like. Those types of statements are always up for debate and will be based on what you personally think is a good trick. I'd say that's very likely true. Many of the effects actually fool the performer. Further, the methods are so well hidden that even the most astute audiences will likely be fooled. There were several effects that fooled me with principles that I'm very familiar with.

Other than potential over-selling of how awesome everything is, I'd say the ad copy is honest and accurate. They mention that these effects will fool absolutely anyone.

Product Quality

Big Blind Media: need I say more? Perfectly lit, mic'd, filmed, etc., etc., easy to navigate DVD, etc.

Final Thoughts

If you're looking for self-working effects that are easy to do, require virtually no effort on your part and will very likely, truly fool your audience, then you've come to the right place. These are mostly effects that have proven themselves already, regardless of my opinion of them. If you like the kind of effect where the method is self-working and does most of the work for you, then you'll love this DVD. These types of effects are so easy that you can relax and not worry about technique; thus allowing you to focus on presentation.

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


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