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MC Sandwich by Mickael Chatelain Review:

One DVD, 2 gimmicks and $35 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Cause a card sandwiched between two others to appear, vanish, jump to a different location in the packet, etc.


Two gimmicked cards. The method is actually pretty clever, with one major problem. The gimmick is staring them in the face . . . and they see it . . . and they notice it . . . and they tell you that they see it . . .

The reason you didn't see it on the trailer is because of the lighting and the angle shown. If you can contrive to have darker lighting and ensure that all audience members will be looking directly down on the cards, then you'll be able to do this effect. All the effects mentioned and shown in the trailer look as good as they say they do with the exception that the gimmick can be easily seen by the spectators.

Ad Copy Integrity

Ignoring the fact that the gimmick can be seen by the audience, the ad copy is accurate. However, they do say "No forging" which I think was meant to be "no forcing." If so, that's not entirely true. There are some effects taught on the DVD that require a force. But the majority of them do not.

Product Quality

As mentioned, the gimmick is seen by the audience. That's a quality issue. Also, the DVD itself was very annoying. Loud music over the talking and an annoying-to-navigate menu made this DVD a frustration to watch. The content, however, was good, and well taught.

Final Thoughts

This is tough to call. First, the method is pretty simple and looks as clean as they say, but at the wrong lighting and/or angle, the gimmick will be staring them right in the face. I performed this effect for two people and they both saw the gimmick, and they were both at different angles.

Unless I test this on 100 people (which I'm not willing to do), I can't truly know for sure how see-able the gimmick is. But I can tell you that it's just sitting right there on the card in plain site.

Final Verdict:
2.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Grubble


  • Stephen Black says:

    Hi Jeff,

    Agree with this 100%.I found the gimmick was easily seen by 3-4 people i showed both in terms of the diameter and width.As you say looks great on video but would not touch this for the reasons you illustrate.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      After looking at the gimmick again . . . it’s pretty obvious. You’ll need some pretty dark lighting to use this.

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