Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: On Fire by Stryper

Senses by Christopher Wiehl Review:

Nearly two hours, one simple prop, $35 bucks, a butt load of ideas, tricks and tips. Is it Gem or is it Rubble? Stay Tuned.


When it comes to utility gimmicks, it's hard to nail down any one specific effect. Basically, this set of gimmicks allows you to cause objects to vanish, appear, transform, transpose and penetrate. That's five out of the seven total effects that David Devant claimed are possible in magic. Not bad for a ketchup cup. Further, these effects are extremely visual . . . another nice element when it comes to magic.


The methods range from pure sleight of hand to simple (supplied) gimmicks. The gimmicks you receive allow you to modify your ketchup cups in various ways. Some of the methods are so hard that Christopher couldn't do them. However, he was quick to point out that they - the ones he struggled with - were not ones that he typically performs. They were more ideas of friends or sort of "spit-balling" thoughts as he went along. The methods that use the main two gimmicks are extremely simple.

Many of them are even more simplified with the use of a certain piece of jewelry that you may already own. But it's not required. It just makes some of the handling so much easier and more visual. Many (maybe even most) of the routines are going to take some serious practice, which I love. I'm getting a bit tired of the claim that 2 seconds after opening the box, you'll be performing. I like that these methods take practice, yet they are totally legit and doable.

Some are more angle sensitive than others for sure. Each has its place in its own venue, and different performers will have different styles and preferences. The bottom line: the methods and techniques are very clever, and very simple in concept. They'll just take some practice and effort on your part.

Ad Copy Integrity

My hat's off to Murphy's and Christopher. The ad copy is solid. The video trailer is very clear and honest. In fact, there's one part where they hold the shot with the gimmick front and center (you won't see it) a lot longer than you ever would in real live performances. The point is that the gimmick is well made and well hidden, and they weren't afraid to give a legitimate display of it on the video with no cheating. The written ad copy is solid too. However, I feel a couple points need to be clarified.

While it's true that you can use this to vanish (or appear) any object that can fit in the cup, the illusion of the audio vanishing won't quite work on every item. For example, they mention using dice. You can certainly put a die (or many dice) in the cup and cause it to appear or vanish. However, the audio illusion won't work. The audio illusion is dependent on the size of the object in the container. I don't feel that this was false advertisement, but rather something that just needed some clarity.

Additionally, in the effects Quarterly Payment and Beggars Dream, the ad mentions that both hands are empty and the cup is empty, then something visually appears in it. This is true, but to be clear, you have to be holding the cup in your hand to cause the magic to happen. So your hand is empty other than the cup. By reading the ad copy, one could infer that the cup could be sitting on the table and the coin visually appears. That is not true. Again, this didn't feel like false advertisement to me, but just a point that you should be aware of before making a purchase.

Product Quality

The gimmicks are simply plastic ketchup containers that you get from most restaurants. I know my favorite fast food joint, Taco Time, has them. You are supplied three cups, 2 lids and two gimmicks. The third cup is used to construct another gimmick. It'll take you 1 minute to make the other gimmick. The gimmicks are all made out of the same material as the cups and/or lids. So go to Taco Time and look at the ketchup cups. That's the quality of the gimmicks and props supplied. Of course, the beauty is that if they ever break, just swing by Taco Time and get replacements. They've got everything you need to make new gimmicks.

The DVD quality is very good. The menu is simple and easy to navigate. It's well lit, well mic'd, well produced, etc. My only complaint is that the teaching portions were a bit scattered. It seemed very unscripted, often like there was no planning for the video shoot. I think a little scripting would have a gone a long way here. In fact, it could have cut the DVD down from 110 minutes to maybe 90 or less. That aside, it was very informative, and everything you need to learn the effects is there for sure.

Further, there were so many extra ideas, thoughts, effects, methods, handling ideas, etc. that it's easy to give this a solid product quality rating.

Final Thoughts

This is a utility prop that has many uses, particularly for the restaurant worker. The effects on the trailer are doable, and they really do look as good at they are portrayed in the video. $35 is a reasonable price for this much material and the props. Further, because it's a utility device, you're getting more than just some gimmicks and Christopher's ideas. You're also getting whatever ideas you come up with while playing with the props. Believe me; you'll come up with other uses. Additionally, this is something new (or at least a new application of old ideas) that, as far as I know, nobody else has published.

Watching the video, you either liked the effects or you didn't. You either think they match your style or they don't. If you didn't and you don't, then don't buy this because no matter how well made it is, no matter how practical it is, you won't use it. But if you did like it, and you can see yourself doing these types of effects, then I guarantee you'll be very happy with your purchase (if you're willing to put in the time).

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of Gem.


  • Thanks for the Review Jeff!!! Glad you enjoyed it, and I tried to script it, but i love going on tangents haha. I’ll try to fix that next time! Can i have you review my stuff before its released so i can fix everything? Some great comments! I always love your straight forward reviews.

    • Jeff Stone says:

      Christopher – I’d be glad to review your stuff before it releases. I’ve done that for producers before. Paul Harris had me do that on a handful of projects as well. I think it makes for a better experience for the magic community as a whole.

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