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Method Memorabilia by Steven Palmer Review

About 100 pages, 11 effects and $65 bucks. Is it gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.


Well . . . it's a mentalism book, so there are predictions and . . . well . . . predictions . . . and there's some mind reading . . . and . . . well . . . you get the idea. It's pretty standard effects and pretty standard methods for pretty standard mentalism.

Sure there's a tweak here and a minor change here, but all in all, you're getting the same old, same old standard type of stuff you'd expect from a mentalism book. There's really nothing revolutionary or even new for that matter, but the material and methods are all solid . . . because everything's pretty much been done before.

I didn't really see anything that I felt was so unique and different from what's come before. You're mainly getting handling tweaks or modifications using old methods, etc.

Ad Copy Integrity

The ad copy accurately describes what's found in the book. Make sure you take a look to get a full sense of what you're getting. There are no misleading or outrageous claims made.

Product Quality

The book itself is well produced, well illustrated and well written. The effects are taught clearly and cleanly with just the right amount of illustrations.

Final Thoughts

This book didn't really blow me over. The material is solid and well thought out, and is basically Palmer's take on "this" and Palmer's tweak on "that." There was a place or two where I felt the combination of principles was clever, etc., but I really feel like if you are a mentalist or have read mentalism books before, you've already seen the majority of what's here.

If you're new to mentalism (and you've already read Annemann and Corinda) and you're looking for a few close up effects for your repertoire, you'll be happy with this book. If you're not already performing a particular type of effect that's found in this book (see ad copy for the types of effects), then you'll very likely be happy with this book as well.

Even a seasoned mentalist may find some value in Palmer's tweaks and ideas, but again, the material is very "familiar."

Final Verdict:
3 Stars with a Stone Status of gem (little g).

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