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Inked Review

Ten cards, one 20 minute streaming video, $30 and one Inked Review. Is is gem or is it rubble? Stay tuned to find out.

Inked Review: Effect

You predict the body part and the specific tattoo on that body part that a spectator has done at an imaginary tattoo parlor.

Inked Review: Method

The method relies on some specially printed tattoo cards, and very simple method that has stood the test of time. This can easily be done at any skill level. There's really not much more to say. It's legit, doable and practical.

Inked Review - Magic Reviewed

Inked Review: Ad Copy Integrity

I love it when they're easy. The ad copy is totally accurate. The end.

Inked Review: Product Quality

Again . . . easy. The training instructions, though short, cover everything you need to know very clearly. Further, the supplied cards are very well made. They feel like the same quality and material as a Subway card — the restaurant, not the train. They'll last a lifetime, and I think that the built in claim/purpose of the cards can be seen as legit. More on that in the video review.

Inked Review: Final Thoughts

It's reviews like this that make me step back and think about what I'm doing a bit. When the company is so transparent like Alakazam, there's really not much to say because you already know it all from checking out the sales/product page. However, in the video review I'll be showing you the cards in some details so you can get a really good look at them. I'm starting to wonder if I'm a magic reviewer or a magic previewer. I'm giving y'all a preview of what you're buying. That seems more fitting doesn't it?

Ramblings aside . . . this is what they say; it does what they say, it's well made and well taught. What more do you want folks!?

Final Verdict:
4.5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

Available at your Favorite Magic Dealer. Dealer's see Murphy's Magic for details.

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