Random I-Tunes Song of The Moment: Stranded By Heart

For $20 bucks, you get a short DVD with special cards and one darn entertaining routine

If you wanna know how I really feel about Chad Long, look up my review of his effect Spineless . . .

Needless to say, I've not found a product from him that I didn't like. He's a clever guy, and though his DVDs a bit on the "economy" production side, they've never been so poor in quality that it impacted the learning experience.

However, there was one little mix up on this DVD that might confuse the student slightly. The DVD teaches both Scotty York's version and Chad Long's version. However, they get the titles a bit mixed up, and so it's never quite clear which version is York's and which version is Long's.

Other than that, no issues. You get the three cards needed to do the effect - not gimmicked cards, just special cards (that the audience can examine) needed to perform the effect. You get a couple of different handling ideas . . . both are excellent and relatively easy to do. This presentation has a lot of potential for by play and connecting with your audience. Highly recommended.

Final Verdict:
5 Stars with a Stone Status of GEM!

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